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The Changing Concept of Ethics

FINRA and the SEC may be moving the line on how they investigate ethical behavior by looking to corporate culture. What areas can you assess now in your practice to make sure you can comply with this broadening scope? 

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State law fiduciary duties and SEC and blue sky laws – how they might work together.

Confused by the multiple actors working on Fidicuary Rules? Don't be. Here's a summary of what States, the DOL and the SEC are doing. 

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The Human Element

Launched in 2008, robo-advisors provide portfolio management. But is that enough for retirement plan participants?

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The Retirement Advisor Marketing Boost

It’s going to take more than the annual benefits meeting to convince cash-strapped millennials to start saving for a future long in coming.

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Scams, triggers and how to make sure your marketing materials are distinct from the latest shams

Financial scams date back to the Roman Empire, and now impact nearly every consumer, with recent surveys finding 8 in 10 consumers have received communications about financially fraud.

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Sustainable investing

While green investing in the 1990s wasn’t always a financially profitable endeavor, sustainable investing seems like it may have hit the mark. Now “profits with a purpose” may actually include profits.

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Trends in Investment Management and ERISA Plan Fiduciaries

Changes to the regulatory environment top the list of many commentators as a key trend to watch. Which other trends in the market affect Plan Advisors the most?

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Building Better Recruitment With Retirement

A shift in thinking could be all that’s needed to leverage a company’s retirement plan into an attractive option for candidates.

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Diversification, Prudent Investor Rules and International Accounts

After the globalization wave of the early 2000s, what exactly does an “international investment” look like?

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Closing the Retirement Gap

How much would your participant miss a one-percent payroll deduction if he is receiving a three-percent raise every year?

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A Good (Retirement) Education

The success of both a retirement plan and your participants’ retirement outcomes often miss that crucial piece that can help solidify results: education.

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Keeping With Tradition

Many older employees are opting to work beyond traditional retirement age. How a financial wellness program can ensure that they’re choosing to do so for the right reasons.

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Suits against fiduciaries and Mediation/Alternative Dispute Resolution

Even the most dedicated financial advisor with the flexibility of a yoga teacher can run into a dispute or misunderstanding with a client. Can mediation or arbitration help resolve things early?

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Training New Board Members on Financial Fiduciary Questions

Training new board members can be done with an eye towards the future: Reflecting on what you’d like the board chair to know now could determine the areas where a new board member could be trained.

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Happiness is Financial Fitness

Having a retirement strategy and having the right retirement strategy is the difference between your participants assuming they have enough to knowing they do.

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Testing Tech Savviness of Your End Users

Meeting your client's employee's needs for a data-driven customer experience is a two way street: deliver individualized information and in a systematic way that can be collected and analyzed. How?

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Measure the right stuff

As it gets ever easier to collect data and run reports on your clients and harness that data into automated reports you may feel either savvy or slathered in numbers. How do you ensure that you remain in the first category?

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Making Better Choices

Retirement advisor, here is your opportunity to build relationships and become that trusted source for plan participants. Here are some of the ways you can help plan participants improve their retirement investment results:

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The Retirement Magic Number

Plan participants think they’re ready for retirement. It’s up to retirement advisors to make sure they are.

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Communicating About Retirement Planning Across Generations

Many advisors have been focusing their attention on baby boomers entering retirement. But, it could be the Generation Xers (those between ages 35 and 50) that need the most help. Gen Xers are in the prime of their earning years, but have the worst financial habits.

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Simplifying Enrollment

With a simplified process, retirement advisors can improve enrollment and pave the way for better plan participant outcomes.

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Recruiting Through Retirement Planning

Who knew retirement planning could be the key to employee loyalty? How retirement advisors can help plan sponsors improve retention.

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A Singular Retirement

What will happen to Social Security benefits in the event of one spouse’s death, and how can plan participants prepare for the unexpected death of a spouse or partner? By knowing their options in advance.

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Balancing The Need to Rebalance

Balancing might seem like shelter in a storm of numbers and predictions for the more risk adverse investor. But then, how often to rebalance? Or a more complicated question, how to factor rebalancing into plans based on algorithms or robo-investing.

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Targeting Female Investors and Retirement Plan Officers: Why and How

Lately, there has been a rise in financial investment platforms aimed at women. Conventional wisdom held that women invested too conservatively, too late, and too little. If so, then why the rise of new platforms?

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Sean Riley
Financial Consultant
Beau Adams
Executive Vice President, BCG
Jeffrey Garlatti
Financial Advisor
John Correll
Client Relations Team Leader
Kevin Bonner
Regional Retirement Sales Director
Robert Terry
Retirement Plan Sales Manager


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Need a Proposal?

Before leaping into the unknown, we recommend a thorough examination of your plan. Because we are experts in the field, we know the marketplace and know what your existing vendor is capable of offering.  Through this examination, we can help you optimize the service you receive.

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