Engaging Employee Input to Shape New Benefits: A Strategic Approach

By benchmarking against industry leaders and continuously gathering and acting on employee feedback, companies can create a dynamic benefits package that evolves with the needs of their employees. This not only enhances employee satisfaction but also strengthens the overall company culture.​

In today’s competitive business environment, organizations must continually evolve their employee benefits to attract and retain top talent. One powerful way to ensure that benefits packages resonate with employees is to involve them directly in the decision-making process. By leveraging employee suggestions, companies can craft benefits that align closely with their workforce's needs and preferences while also fostering a sense of inclusion and community.

The Importance of Gathering Employee Suggestions

Inviting employees to suggest new benefits serves multiple purposes. First, it gives employees a voice, making them feel valued and heard. Second, it provides the organization with direct insights into what employees genuinely want, helping to create benefits packages that are more likely to enhance job satisfaction and retention. For example, companies like Adobe and LinkedIn have used employee feedback to introduce popular benefits such as mental health days and enhanced parental leave.[1]

However, it’s not just about gathering ideas; it’s about using those suggestions to assess the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of potential new benefits. This is where open communication and education come into play.

Balancing Feasibility and Education

When reviewing employee suggestions, it's crucial to engage in transparent discussions about feasibility and costs. For instance, if an employee suggests a benefit that is not feasible due to legal constraints such as ERISA laws, it’s important to explain why the idea cannot be implemented as proposed. However, this also opens an opportunity to educate employees and explore alternative solutions that achieve similar goals, showing employees their opinions are valued.

For example, if an employee suggests a 401(k) plan with a specific type of investment option that isn’t permissible, the company can instead offer a broader range of compliant investment options and provide a workshop on financial planning to help employees make the most of their retirement savings.[2]

Using Employee Suggestions to Guide Education and Workshops

Employee suggestions can also be a goldmine for identifying areas where employees might benefit from additional education or training. If a significant number of employees request benefits related to financial wellness, it might indicate a need for educational workshops on topics like debt management or retirement planning. Similarly, if employees express interest in mental health support, this could lead to the introduction of wellness programs or mindfulness workshops​.

Partnering with vendors to offer these workshops not only addresses the expressed needs of the employees but also enhances the overall benefits package without significantly increasing costs. This approach helps in creating a culture of continuous learning and well-being within the organization.

Anonymity in Collecting Employee Feedback

One challenge in collecting honest feedback is ensuring that employees feel safe and comfortable sharing their true opinions. Implementing anonymous suggestion tools can mitigate this issue. Platforms like SurveyMonkey, Officevibe, and Culture Amp allow organizations to collect employee feedback anonymously, providing a more accurate picture of employee needs and desires.

Anonymous feedback mechanisms can lead to more candid suggestions, which are invaluable for crafting a benefits package that truly meets the needs of the workforce. Moreover, these tools often come with analytics features that help HR teams identify trends and prioritize the most requested benefits​.

Learning from Industry Leaders

By benchmarking against industry leaders and continuously gathering and acting on employee feedback, companies can create a dynamic benefits package that evolves with the needs of their employees. This not only enhances employee satisfaction but also strengthens the overall company culture.​[3]


Incorporating employee suggestions into the development of benefits packages is a strategic approach that promotes inclusivity, satisfaction, and retention. By balancing feasibility with education, and using modern tools to collect feedback, organizations can create a responsive and attractive benefits offering. This not only meets the needs of today’s workforce but also positions the company as an employer of choice in a competitive market.

[1] https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/five-innovative-employee-benefits-attract-retain-talent-intellezy-j5xic

[2] https://www.timedoctor.com/blog/employee-benefits-packages

[3] https://www.macdonaldandcompany.com/blog/creating-employee-benefits-package-employers

These articles are prepared for general purposes and are not intended to provide advice or encourage specific behavior. Before taking any action, Advisors and Plan Sponsors should consult with their compliance, finance and legal teams.

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