BCG Blog - Sponsors

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When It Comes to ESG, Plan Sponsors Need to Follow News Not Noise

There are several levels to the news on ESG. For plan sponsors not all of the forthcoming information is necessarily news to use. We suggest focusing on the news about lawsuits on fiduciary duties and ESG rules for plan sponsors.

Puzzling Through the Pieces: Finding Possible Themes and Conflict in the Changes at DOL

Instead of taking changes at the DOL as single item issues, it might be more useful to see how all the changes interact. Often, legislators and regulators want changes to interact like a puzzle; each piece interlocking to form a larger picture. But sometimes when many policies are changed at the same time, conflicts emerge that can put those supposed to be following them into the proverbial spot between a rock and a hard place.

Retirement by Any Other Name? Associations with the Word “Retirement” Could Shift

Many plan sponsors report lags in enrollment and retirement activity among plan participants. While some statistics show that new tricks and tips have impacted participation in retirement plans, enrollment may still lag. It is possible that the way employees think about retirement in general could be behind the lag in active retirement investing.

Re-Enrollment Round Up

With the success of auto-enrollment in retirement plans for new hires, some plan sponsors are looking to a new trend among benefits. Many have begun creating plans for re-enrolling employees who have dropped out of retirement plans during their tenures.

Financial Wellness: Plan and Assess for Success

When it comes to financial wellness, plan participants and sponsors might not be seeing eye to eye. That divide may not be insurmountable; a little planning may smooth any tensions.

Lead Employees to the Benefits Trough Through Education

Employee education is often a topic plan sponsors or the employer delegates to vendors, such as a plan administrator. However, recent surveys indicate plan sponsors are opting for plan design changes. It is possible that linking employee education programs to these changes could facilitate those changes.

Transparency, Flexibility, Pensions, and Savings Accounts: A Year in Review

2024 was full of dramatic moments. Given that, it might be easy to have missed some of the key details and trends in the less dramatic world of employee benefit plans. We thought a review of trends and regulations could be helpful for those whose attention may have been drawn to elsewhere.

How to Help Employees Master Budgeting Techniques Using Holiday Spending as a Teaching Tool

Here we are – the end of the year and the holiday season. Right now, employees face the challenge of budgeting for all the expenses that come with this time of year: food, travel, gifts, and more. Bad budgeting can lead to high credit card debt, hurting their ability to reach other goals, like saving for retirement. Employers can help employees budget this holiday season – here’s how.

Snags in Savings: Considerations for Sponsors on Employee Savings Plans

Employees’ interest in savings accounts may be as high as the rates offered on those accounts. But regulations are still slightly less than salient when it comes to how sponsors enroll and incentivize employees to enroll in savings accounts.

The Microretirements Trend

A growing number of younger people are looking for “microretirements” as part of their career paths. What is a microretirement, and how can employees and employers work together to benefit each other with this growing trend?

New Techniques to Make Open Enrollment Easier

Open enrollment season is often synonymous with stress—for both employees and plan sponsors. With an overwhelming number of benefits options and the complex terminology surrounding them, it’s no surprise that confusion reigns. Fortunately, modern techniques, including new technologies and marketing approaches, are reshaping open enrollment to make it easier, more efficient, and engaging. Here’s what sponsors need to know.

High vs Wide: How Will the EBSA’s Budget Change its Enforcement Action Priorities?

Given the potential changes in regulatory power that could flow from the Supreme Court’s decisions in the summer of 2024, plan sponsors may be wondering if there might be changes in how the DOL enforces its regulations. But that might not be the right tree to go barking up. Instead, a key to understanding changes in enforcement actions could lay with its leadership and its budget.
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Need a Proposal?

Before leaping into the unknown, we recommend a thorough examination of your plan. Because we are experts in the field, we know the marketplace and know what your existing vendor is capable of offering.  Through this examination, we can help you optimize the service you receive.

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